Source code for clique.collection

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips
# :license: See LICENSE.txt.

import re

import clique.descriptor
import clique.error
import clique.sorted_set

[docs]class Collection(object): '''Represent group of items that differ only by numerical component.''' indexes = clique.descriptor.Unsettable('indexes')
[docs] def __init__(self, head, tail, padding, indexes=None): '''Initialise collection. *head* is the leading common part whilst *tail* is the trailing common part. *padding* specifies the "width" of the numerical component. An index will be padded with zeros to fill this width. A *padding* of zero implies no padding and width may be any size so long as no leading zeros are present. *indexes* can specify a set of numerical indexes to initially populate the collection with. .. note:: After instantiation, the ``indexes`` attribute cannot be set to a new value using assignment:: >>> collection.indexes = [1, 2, 3] AttributeError: Cannot set attribute defined as unsettable. Instead, manipulate it directly:: >>> collection.indexes.clear() >>> collection.indexes.update([1, 2, 3]) ''' super(Collection, self).__init__() self.__dict__['indexes'] = clique.sorted_set.SortedSet() self._head = head self._tail = tail self.padding = padding self._update_expression() if indexes is not None: self.indexes.update(indexes)
@property def head(self): '''Return common leading part.''' return self._head @head.setter
[docs] def head(self, value): '''Set common leading part to *value*.''' self._head = value self._update_expression()
@property def tail(self): '''Return common trailing part.''' return self._tail @tail.setter
[docs] def tail(self, value): '''Set common trailing part to *value*.''' self._tail = value self._update_expression()
def _update_expression(self): '''Update internal expression.''' self._expression = re.compile('^{0}(?P<index>(?P<padding>0*)\d+?){1}$' .format(self.head, self.tail)) def __str__(self): '''Return string represenation.''' return self.format() def __repr__(self): '''Return representation.''' return '<{0} "{1}">'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self) def __iter__(self): '''Return iterator over items in collection.''' for index in self.indexes: formatted_index = '{0:0{1}d}'.format(index, self.padding) item = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(self.head, formatted_index, self.tail) yield item def __contains__(self, item): '''Return whether *item* is present in collection.''' match = self.match(item) if not match: return False if not int('index')) in self.indexes: return False return True def __eq__(self, other): '''Return whether *other* collection is equal.''' if not isinstance(other, Collection): return NotImplemented return all([ other.head == self.head, other.tail == self.tail, other.padding == self.padding, other.indexes == self.indexes ]) def __ne__(self, other): '''Return whether *other* collection is not equal.''' result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result return not result def __gt__(self, other): '''Return whether *other* collection is greater than.''' if not isinstance(other, Collection): return NotImplemented a = (self.head, self.tail, self.padding, len(self.indexes)) b = (other.head, other.tail, other.padding, len(other.indexes)) return a > b def __lt__(self, other): '''Return whether *other* collection is less than.''' result = self.__gt__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result return not result def __ge__(self, other): '''Return whether *other* collection is greater than or equal.''' result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result if result is False: result = self.__gt__(other) return result def __le__(self, other): '''Return whether *other* collection is less than or equal.''' result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result if result is False: result = self.__lt__(other) return result
[docs] def match(self, item): '''Return whether *item* matches this collection expression. If a match is successful return data about the match otherwise return None. ''' match = self._expression.match(item) if not match: return None index ='index') padded = False if'padding'): padded = True if self.padding == 0: if padded: return None elif len(index) != self.padding: return None return match
[docs] def add(self, item): '''Add *item* to collection. raise :py:class:`~clique.error.CollectionError` if *item* cannot be added to the collection. ''' match = self.match(item) if match is None: raise clique.error.CollectionError( 'Item does not match collection expression.' ) self.indexes.add(int('index')))
[docs] def remove(self, item): '''Remove *item* from collection. raise :py:class:`~clique.error.CollectionError` if *item* cannot be removed from the collection. ''' match = self.match(item) if match is None: raise clique.error.CollectionError( 'Item not present in collection.' ) index = int('index')) try: self.indexes.remove(index) except KeyError: raise clique.error.CollectionError( 'Item not present in collection.' )
[docs] def format(self, pattern='{head}{padding}{tail} [{ranges}]'): '''Return string representation as specified by *pattern*. Pattern can be any format accepted by Python's standard format function and will receive the following keyword arguments as context: * *head* - Common leading part of the collection. * *tail* - Common trailing part of the collection. * *padding* - Padding value in ``%0d`` format. * *range* - Total range in the form ``start-end`` * *ranges* - Comma separated ranges of indexes. * *holes* - Comma separated ranges of missing indexes. ''' data = {} data['head'] = self.head data['tail'] = self.tail if self.padding: data['padding'] = '%0{0}d'.format(self.padding) else: data['padding'] = '%d' if self.indexes: data['holes'] = self.holes().format('{ranges}') indexes = list(self.indexes) if len(indexes) == 1: data['range'] = '{0}'.format(indexes[0]) else: data['range'] = '{0}-{1}'.format(indexes[0], indexes[-1]) separated = self.separate() if len(separated) > 1: ranges = [collection.format('{range}') for collection in separated] else: ranges = [data['range']] data['ranges'] = ', '.join(ranges) else: data['holes'] = '' data['range'] = '' data['ranges'] = '' return pattern.format(**data)
[docs] def is_contiguous(self): '''Return whether entire collection is contiguous.''' previous = None for index in self.indexes: if previous is None: previous = index continue if index != (previous + 1): return False previous = index return True
[docs] def holes(self): '''Return holes in collection. Return :py:class:`~clique.collection.Collection` of missing indexes. ''' missing = set([]) previous = None for index in self.indexes: if previous is None: previous = index continue if index != (previous + 1): missing.update(range(previous + 1, index)) previous = index return Collection(self.head, self.tail, self.padding, indexes=missing)
[docs] def is_compatible(self, collection): '''Return whether *collection* is compatible with this collection. To be compatible *collection* must have the same head, tail and padding properties as this collection. ''' return all([ isinstance(collection, Collection), collection.head == self.head, collection.tail == self.tail, collection.padding == self.padding ])
[docs] def merge(self, collection): '''Merge *collection* into this collection. If the *collection* is compatible with this collection then update indexes with all indexes in *collection*. raise :py:class:`~clique.error.CollectionError` if *collection* is not compatible with this collection. ''' if not self.is_compatible(collection): raise clique.error.CollectionError('Collection is not compatible ' 'with this collection.') self.indexes.update(collection.indexes)
[docs] def separate(self): '''Return contiguous parts of collection as separate collections. Return as list of :py:class:`~clique.collection.Collection` instances. ''' collections = [] start = None end = None for index in self.indexes: if start is None: start = index end = start continue if index != (end + 1): collections.append( Collection(self.head, self.tail, self.padding, indexes=set(range(start, end + 1))) ) start = index end = index if start is None: collections.append( Collection(self.head, self.tail, self.padding) ) else: collections.append( Collection(self.head, self.tail, self.padding, indexes=range(start, end + 1)) ) return collections

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