.. :copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips :license: See LICENSE.txt. ******** Glossary ******** .. glossary:: contiguous When all items in a collection are sequential with no missing indexes. For example, *1, 2, 3* is contiguous whilst *1, 3* is not. head The common leading part of items in a collection. For example, the items *file.0001.jpg*, *file.0002.jpg*, *file.0003.jpg* have a head value of *file.* padding The width of the numerical index in a collection. Each item's index will be padded with zeroes to match this width. A padding of 4 would result in *1* becoming *0001*. A padding of 0 means no width is defined and an index can be any width so long as it has no preceding zeroes. pip The recommended tool for installing Python packages. .. seealso:: https://pip.pypa.io tail The common trailing part of items in a collection. For example, the items *file.0001.jpg*, *file.0002.jpg*, *file.0003.jpg* have a tail value of *.jpg* Virtualenv A tool to create isolated Python environments. .. seealso:: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/