Source code for clique

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips
# :license: See LICENSE.txt.

import re
from collections import defaultdict

from ._version import __version__
from .collection import Collection
from .error import CollectionError

#: Pattern for matching an index with optional padding.
DIGITS_PATTERN = '(?P<index>(?P<padding>0*)\d+)'


#: Common patterns that can be passed to :py:func:`~clique.assemble`.
    'frames': '\.{0}\.\D+\d?$'.format(DIGITS_PATTERN),
    'versions': 'v{0}'.format(DIGITS_PATTERN)

[docs]def assemble(iterable, patterns=None, minimum_items=2): '''Assemble items in *iterable* into discreet collections. *patterns* may be specified as a list of regular expressions to limit the returned collection possibilities. Use this when interested in collections that only match specific patterns. Each pattern must contain the expression from :py:data:`DIGITS_PATTERN` exactly once. A selection of common expressions are available in :py:data:`PATTERNS`. .. note:: If a pattern is supplied as a string it will be automatically compiled to a :py:class:`re.RegexObject` instance for convenience. When *patterns* is not specified, collections are formed by examining all possible groupings of the items in *iterable* based around common numerical components. *minimum_items* dictates the minimum number of items a collection must have in order to be included in the result. The default is 2, filtering out single item collections. Return tuple of two lists (collections, remainder) where 'collections' is a list of assembled :py:class:`~clique.collection.Collection` instances and 'remainder' is a list of items that did not belong to any collection. ''' collection_map = defaultdict(set) collections = [] remainder = [] # Compile patterns. compiled_patterns = [] if patterns is not None: if not patterns: return collections, list(iterable) for pattern in patterns: if isinstance(pattern, basestring): compiled_patterns.append(re.compile(pattern)) else: compiled_patterns.append(pattern) else: compiled_patterns.append(_DIGITS_REGEX) # Process iterable. for item in iterable: matched = False for pattern in compiled_patterns: for match in pattern.finditer(item): index ='index') head = item[:match.start('index')] tail = item[match.end('index'):] padding ='padding') if padding: padding = len(index) else: padding = 0 key = (head, tail, padding) collection_map[key].add(int(index)) matched = True if not matched: remainder.append(item) # Form collections. merge_candidates = [] for (head, tail, padding), indexes in collection_map.items(): collection = Collection(head, tail, padding, indexes) collections.append(collection) if collection.padding == 0: merge_candidates.append(collection) # Merge together collections that align on padding boundaries. For example, # 0998-0999 and 1000-1001 can be merged into 0998-1001. Note that only # indexes within the padding width limit are merged. If a collection is # entirely merged into another then it will not be included as a separate # collection in the results. fully_merged = [] for collection in collections: if collection.padding == 0: continue for candidate in merge_candidates: if (candidate.head == collection.head and candidate.tail == collection.tail): merged_index_count = 0 for index in candidate.indexes: if len(str(abs(index))) == collection.padding: collection.indexes.add(index) merged_index_count += 1 if merged_index_count == len(candidate.indexes): fully_merged.append(candidate) # Filter out fully merged collections. collections = [collection for collection in collections if collection not in fully_merged] # Filter out collections that do not have at least as many indexes as # minimum_items. In addition, add any members of a filtered collection, # which are not members of an unfiltered collection, to the remainder. filtered = [] remainder_candidates = [] for collection in collections: if len(collection.indexes) >= minimum_items: filtered.append(collection) else: for member in collection: remainder_candidates.append(member) for candidate in remainder_candidates: # Check if candidate has already been added to remainder to avoid # duplicate entries. if candidate in remainder: continue has_membership = False for collection in filtered: if candidate in collection: has_membership = True break if not has_membership: remainder.append(candidate) return filtered, remainder
[docs]def parse(value, pattern='{head}{padding}{tail} [{ranges}]'): '''Parse *value* into a :py:class:`~clique.collection.Collection`. Use *pattern* to extract information from *value*. It may make use of the following keys: * *head* - Common leading part of the collection. * *tail* - Common trailing part of the collection. * *padding* - Padding value in ``%0d`` format. * *range* - Total range in the form ``start-end`` * *ranges* - Comma separated ranges of indexes. * *holes* - Comma separated ranges of missing indexes. .. note:: *holes* only makes sense if *range* or *ranges* is also present. ''' # Construct regular expression for given pattern. expressions = { 'head': '(?P<head>.*)', 'tail': '(?P<tail>.*)', 'padding': '%(?P<padding>\d*)d', 'range': '(?P<range>\d+-\d+)', 'ranges': '(?P<ranges>[\d ,\-]+)', 'holes': '(?P<holes>[\d ,\-]+)' } pattern_regex = re.escape(pattern) for key, expression in expressions.items(): pattern_regex = pattern_regex.replace( '\{{{0}\}}'.format(key), expression ) pattern_regex = '^{0}$'.format(pattern_regex) # Match pattern against value and use results to construct collection. match =, value) if match is None: raise ValueError('Value did not match pattern.') groups = match.groupdict() if 'padding' in groups and groups['padding']: groups['padding'] = int(groups['padding']) else: groups['padding'] = 0 # Create collection and then add indexes. collection = Collection( groups.get('head', ''), groups.get('tail', ''), groups['padding'] ) if 'range' in groups: start, end = map(int, groups['range'].split('-')) collection.indexes.update(range(start, end + 1)) if 'ranges' in groups: parts = [part.strip() for part in groups['ranges'].split(',')] for part in parts: index_range = map(int, part.split('-', 2)) if len(index_range) > 1: # Index range. for index in range(index_range[0], index_range[1] + 1): collection.indexes.add(index) else: # Single index. collection.indexes.add(index_range[0]) if 'holes' in groups: parts = [part.strip() for part in groups['holes'].split(',')] for part in parts: index_range = map(int, part.split('-', 2)) if len(index_range) > 1: # Index range. for index in range(index_range[0], index_range[1] + 1): collection.indexes.remove(index) else: # Single index. collection.indexes.remove(index_range[0]) return collection